Q1 |
What is your City?
Q2 |
What is your County ?
Q3 |
What is your Zip Code ?
Q5 |
What is your ethnicity ?
Q7 |
What is your highest level of education completed ?
Q8 |
What best describes your household ?
Q9 |
WRITE IN THE NUMBER of persons for each age group in your household.
Q10 |
What is the primary language spoken in the home ?
Q11 |
Is anyone in your household a veteran ?
Q12 |
Anyone in your household receive disability benefits?
Q13 |
What was your total household income last year?
Q14 |
Mark the choice that best describes you:
Q15 |
What are the MOST Important program/services you would like to see continued in you community?
Q16 |
How much does each item rate as a need in your community?